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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

cheating on your diet

Sometimes when you are one a diet specially at your fist days , your body start missing the sugar and the junkie food and of course whenever you find all these delicious food front of you it's so impossible to resist it.
Specially if you're going on diet at summer time, too much ice cream , burger,lots of unhealthy food unlike the winter...and the big problem is when you go out with family and friends out at night or beach party...WOW! You know that you're gonna cheat yeah I can't lie but I cheat like tonight I was at the beach but I followed my diet the whole day until my dad took us to the restaurant and I made the worst choice instead of ordering meat (protein) I ordered Tuna pizza !! I hate meat to be honest i ate 3 slices of it.
But the good news is that I've been burning calories the whole day when I was swimming that might save me a lil bit and also I'll use the stairs to get home 
At the 11 level that's tough isn't it !
But put in mind that we did huge mistake that we must deal with it for better life I'm sad to be honest and everyone who did it is :( but let's make it out first and last mistake to learn from .

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