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Thursday, July 23, 2015

DIY For summer ♥ Shirts

Hey guys and today i came up with this new Diy of summer shirts which is so great for beach say or summer vacation.
 its so easy and fun and now ill explain to you how to make it , follow with me :
  1. first you will need a shirt of course , old one or a shirt that you don't's up to you.
  2. second step cut the end of your shirt into slices cut it as much as you want (cut it up to the middle it's up to you if you want it short or medium)
  3. third wrap the shirt slices together it seems hard but its will just need to wrap each side by other and you hard wraps at the end of every single side when you done so it won't get missy and fall off all those beautiful wraps .
  4. last step is to cut the ends of the shirt that still after you wrapped them or you just can leave them if you want its also looks so beautiful. 

other options :

you can leave your shirt cut without wrap it.this won't ruin it look at this example if you wanna do the same as it.

Or you can wrap just the half of it if you want to, or if you have another way of wrapping cut shirt that would be fun to try it you can also share them with me ..i gave you guys another example about the half wrapped shirt if you would like to try it .

and i have another style for you it's all down below i hope you like them.
and my last option is that you can add accessory to your shirt..yeah it's possible see them on  Add accessories to my shirt?

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