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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Live simple

Live simple it's just two words , with 3 tips simple healthy and fun.
1-Eat to live, don't live to eat
We all need to change something in our life with just simple food and tricks to 
Make rules in your life that you must follow it forever. You need to eat healthy not do a diet of starving yourself what I want to say is make this  as your daily food .
2-Appreciate the little thing :
If you are so caught up in your diet and measurements that your favorite activities have fallen 
By the wayside you need to take a step back . Because nothing is worth your misery it's just to don't give up on what your doing think about the goals that you will make after .
3-make smart choices :
This applies to all lifestyle aspects not just eating ! Make realistic goals.
If a gym is too far away to get there or your busy .dont force yourself to go there everyday find activities that you can do even though at home it's not necessary to go there everyday.

Giving up is nothing more than sadness and weaknesses. Keep your head up and say that you can do it , believe in yourself it's all about believeing .

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