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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Diet For belly fats

hey loves i know it has been so long since my last post and i'm so sorry about that I've been preparing for my mom's parties and yeah i ruined my diet and i have about 16 days to back to school and i need to lose weight I've gained i haven't gain that much only 1 pound and i  know it's a shit :( 
but today i came back to start fresh with you and i have new diet plan it's almost the same as doctor.Oz diet it's on this link if you wanna check it out The Doctor Oz Diet 
and basically this diet or what you gotta do in it is to follow the doctor Oz diet using this diet as a guide.
use the dr.oz plans and us this one to follow the meals recipes.
Note : drink lots of water a day ( up to 2 litters if you can)

First Day ♥

Start your morning with cup of warm lemon water 
and after 45 mins drink one of the Doctor.Oz smoothies ->  Berry SmoothiePumpkin Pie Smoothie or Chocolate-Covered Almond Smoothie

 10 oz of tuna, vegetable broth.

2 slices of any type of meat but it should be white meat  (3 ounces) 1 cup of string beans, 1 cup of beets.

Second Day♥

the same thing as the first day choosing any type of smoothies.

green salad with tattoos and you can add 6 Oz of any protein. 
 1 cup broccoli, 1/2 cup carrots,1 cup of courgettes.

 Third Day♥


Start your morning with cup of warm lemon water 
and after 45 mins drink one of the Doctor.Oz smoothies ->  Berry SmoothiePumpkin Pie Smoothie or Chocolate-Covered Almond Smoothie

 vegetable broth as much as you can eat.

1 cup tuna, 1 cup beets, 1 cup cauliflower, 1/2 cantaloupe .
Drink lots of water and make sure to take your sassy water before 30 mins of meals.
 and also keep drinking the sassy water which is supper cool for weight loss and health .

for the next days you can keep on this pan or make your own recipes as long you're following the 10 total rapid weight loss plan  rules and limited food and unlimited food .
this diet is completely save .

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