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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Rebel Wilson: Being unique and different is a really good thing.

Ever since Rebel Wilson burst into our lives as Kristen Wiig's inappropriate housemate in Bridesmaids, we have been totally hooked. Smart, funny, self-deprecating and certainly not your average Hollywood actress, she's also managed to make her size a key asset in some of the funniest films of the decade.

And according to Rebel, who is Cosmopolitan's January cover star and Ultimate Woman of the Year, it's really worked in her favour. "Being unique and different was a really good thing," says Rebel. "When I walked into my agent's office for the first time [in 2009], they looked at me and said, 'Wow, we have nobody on our books like you.' And they signed me on my second day here.
Rebel Wilson:
Frederic Auerbach/Cosmopolitan UK

"I wouldn't ever want to compete with what I call 'the glamours' – the really gorgeous people. I'm about the brain, the heart and what's on the inside. I feel really lucky to be the body type I am."
Rebel, 35, who plays Fat Amy in the Pitch Perfect franchise, is defiant about her size. "I love me some ice cream or dessert, and it comes at times when I'm happy or sad. So when I have an incredibly successful day, I want to celebrate and reward myself with food. If I've had a sad or stressful day, food is also comfort. I bought this hilarious slogan sweater the other day that says, 'Food is my only friend'. I thought it was really cute. 
"You would probably describe it as emotional or stress-eating. I don't do drugs; I don't really drink… so eating is my one vice. I wouldn't ever want to totally give it up."
However, the Australian actress admits she has tried to be healthier since she moved to LA in 2010. "Living in LA you learn a lot about health. I now drink green juices and I'm trying to do gluten-free." Then she adds, chuckling: "But I don't do it 100% - I'm not a maniac!" 
Rebel Wilson
Cosmopolitan UK
Since moving to LA she has also become friends with another of our fave actresses, Jennifer Lawrence. "She is just the most naturally hilarious person. She's way funnier than me and a real story-teller. If she was in a comedy she'd smash it. We'll hang out or have a barbecue. That's the cool thing about living here [Los Angeles] – you get to meet so many people you respect and work with." 
Given her crazy schedule, Rebel says she doesn't have time for a boyfriend right now, although she is still close to comedian Mickey Gooch. They reportedly split up in September. "I'm very independent and have been single for most of my life," she says. 'I see people who are very co-dependent and I think they're missing out on life.
"It's good because I do whatever the hell I want. My mum really sacrificed her life when she started having us kids, and so she always encouraged us to go out there and chase after our dreams and live our lives. I'm hoping the right guy will come along. But if it doesn't happen I'm alright. 
"I'm a very independent lady and I've got my own stuff going on."
Rebel Wilson Cosmopolitan UK cover

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