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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Super Tips For great Boobs

Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, but let's face it: large breasts have a certain currency in modern society, and those of us who don't have them naturally are keen on finding ways to get them. It's not as hard as it seems. There are ways to increase your breast size without getting surgery - and actually, surgery itself is less risky than it used to be, so you may not need to rule it out. Read on to find out about exercises, herbs, products and procedures that will boost your breast size a cup or two.

     Eat Healthy      

Multiple research studies have shown that eating certain foods can help to minimize your risk of developing breast cancer. Some foods to add into your diet include yellow/orange fruits and vegetables such as butternut squash as they are packed with antioxidant beta-carotene which has been linked to lowered risk of breast cancer. Flax seeds, walnuts, cranberries and omega-3 fatty acids (found in oily fish, avocados and eggs) have also been linked to reduced risk of breast cancer, while eating foods high in magnesium can help prevent breast swelling and tenderness.

Research has shown that exercising four or more hours a week can lower estrogen levels and reduce risk of breast cancer, while separate studies have suggested that weekly workouts can increase survival in those with the illness. However, exercise is not only good for your health; it can also help to prevent sagging and improve the look of your boobs. While you may think that chest exercises are just for men, working out the pectoral muscles through exercises such as push-ups and bench presses is great for improving the firmness, lift and shape of your breasts.

  Quit Smoking     

Smoking has repeatedly been established as a leading cause of many serious illnesses, and breast cancer is no different. A study by researchers at the California Department of Health Services found that the rate of breast cancer among-st women who smoked was around 30% higher than for those who had never smoked. Separate research also suggests that the effects of smoking are cumulative, with risk increasing according to years of cigarette smoking, so stopping smoking now could help cut your risk of developing the illness.
   Apply Sunscreen   
Despite the warnings about skin cancer, many of us are still not applying sunscreen on a regular basis. However, failing to apply sun lotion not only puts the delicate chest area at risk of sunburn and skin cancer, but it can also lead to premature ageing of the skin. To prevent a wrinkly cleavage and help keep your decolletage smooth and taut, make sure to apply a minimum of SPF 15 sunscreen whenever your skin is exposed to the sun. 

Wear Sport Bra

When we work out, our breasts tend to move about with the movements of our body. Exercising without adequate support (particularly for those with larger breasts) can therefore lead to discomfort and pain, as well as damage to ligaments which can cause breasts to sag. To make sure your boobs are protected from the effects of exercise, make sure you purchase a well-fitting exercise bra which is sturdier than your everyday bra and can help minimize breast movement.

  Do Boobs Massage   
Massaging your breasts regularly helps enhance their shape, size and overall attractiveness. Don't be shy and give it a try! We recommend you massage your breasts right after having a shower, it'll do wonders.

  Sleep On Your Back   

Try to sleep as often as you can on your back at night to avoid developing wrinkles on your breasts. Sleeping on them will get your wrinkles over there and that's the last thing you need.
  Use the right bra   

Women out there, listen up! Most of us are wearing the wrong bra and that only results in having your breasts look awkward or not at their best. Make sure you try on different bras at home to know which one works best for you. It has to be the right mix of comfortable and giving your breasts the perfect shape. We'll talk about that in more details later on.
   Keep Your Back Straight   

We've noticed that most women out there don't keep their back straight and which results in not only a terrible posture but also not so amazing breasts. Keep it straight and be proud!

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